Saturday, January 16, 2021

NewYearNewCharacter, Day 16

Kimra Munroe

For characteristics I rolled: 10, 7, 8, 9, 9, 11
I assigned them thus:

STR 8, DEX 10, END 9, INT 11, EDU 9, SOC 7 

Homeworld: Jokelyn/Limon
Let's build a rogue.
Background skills: Electronics-0, Flyer-0, Vacc Suit-0, for a kid who likes to get into trouble on an airless, ice capped, world.
Failed to qualify for rogue, the irony.

Submitting to  the draft I got Agent (law enforcement).
First term event: Disaster! mishap -
A criminal or other figure under investigation offers you a deal. Accept, and you leave this career without further penalty (although you lose the Benefit roll as normal). Refuse, and you must roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result. You gain an Enemy and one level in any skill you choose.
So I accepted.
Enemy: Nix Anderaz, a law enforcement officer (I wrecked a case we were working on)
Skills: Electronics (comms)-1, Drive-0, Gun Combat-0, Investigate-0, Recon-0, Streetwise-0

Let's try rogue again. Got in.
First term failed my survival roll, mishap - light injury, no permanent effect.
Skills: Stealth-0

OK, rouge is not meant to be, let's try merchant.
First term event:
Your business or ship thrives. You are automatically promoted.
Skills: Persuade-1, Broker-0

Second term event:
Betrayal: You are betrayed in some fashion by a friend. If you have any Contacts or Allies, convert one into a Rival or Enemy. Otherwise, gain a Rival or an Enemy.
Rival: Adrian Brandon, from the former crime syndicate I belonged to, wants in on my business.
Got a promotion.
Skills: Pilot (spacecraft)-1

Third term event: business thrives.
Skills: Gunner-1, Jack of All Trades-1
Check for aging: no effect.

Fourth term event:
You have a chance to risk your fortune on a possibility lucrative deal. You may gamble a number of Benefit rolls and roll Gambler 8+ or Broker 8+. If you succeed, you gain half as many Benefit rolls as you risked, rounding up. If you fail, you lose all the rolls risked. Either way, gain one level in whichever skill you used.
Let's risk it. Failed my roll by 1, typical. Raised Pilot.
Got a promotion.
Skills: Pilot (spacecraft)-3
Check for aging: no effect.
I decided to risk another term.

Fifth term event:
New Relationship: You become involved in a romantic relationship. Gain an Ally.
Ally: Lilea Heintze, planetary governor of Jokelyn
Skills: Pilot (spacecraft)-4
Check for aging: reduce three physical characteristics by 1.
Mustering out.
Cash: 40,000Cr
Benefits: EDU+2, INT+1, Free Trader 

Kimra Munroe
, human female, 44, former free trader
Pilot (spacecraft)-4, Electronics (comms)-1, Gunner-1, Jack of All Trades-1, Broker-0, Drive-0, Flyer-0, Gun combat-0, Investigate-0, Recon-0, Stealth-0, Streetwise-0, Vacc Suit-0
Cash: 40,000Cr
Equipment: Free Trader
Rival: Adrian Brandon, from the former crime syndicate I belonged to, wants in on my business.
Enemy: Nix Anderaz, a law enforcement officer (I wrecked a case we were working on).
Ally: Lilea Heintze, planetary governor of Jokelyn (romantic interest).
Bold, anxious, and innovative.
Almost white hair and blue eyes.


  1. Rolling a traveller character is solo roleplaying..

    1. It is - I've spent a lot of time playing that push your luck game. Do I try for more skills at the risk of death (Classic) or injury or get out now? I do like how Mongoose added the events table and so Cepheus has that as well. It can add some interesting chrome to characters.

    2. Most definitely, most Traveller players and GMs have a host of characters.
